For the past week I’ve been posting memories from a cruise on the upper Amazon River Bob and I experienced 25 years ago. Shortly after our return, I wrote a brief piece — a psychological essay? a prose poem? flash nonfiction? — about one particular afternoon on that cruise. Titled “New World Eden,” it was published by Chaminade Literary Review, Chaminade University, Honolulu.

99 pennies for your thoughts…

In a recent conversation with J. Eric Miller, a creative writing professor at MSU Denver, he said to me, “You wrote it about 25 years ago. Does it ever startle you to go back in time like that? To read the writing of some version of you?”

I’ve been thinking about his question for a few days. And my answer is to write a memory of another episode that happened one night during that cruise. It touches on my fear of dying and my awe of living.

The two brief episodes — written 25 years apart — are combined as a single piece of creative nonfiction and published electronically. Available for download on Amazon Kindle for 99 cents. Be warned — it is brief — but expressive, I hope. And worth the 99 pennies!

You can download New World Eden for free between August 1-August 5, 2024. Or buy me a cuppa coffee, I’ll recite it for you, and you can tell me what you think.

Dr. Miller will be presenting an interactive lecture on writing creative nonfiction at this year’s Steamboat Writer’s Conference, October 18th and 19th in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I can’t wait for the deeper dive…

Check Steamboat Writers website or Steamboat Creates website for more information, and to register.

Hope to see you there!

