
to be reprinted 20 years after its release by Alfred A. Knopf.

We enjoyed great reviews and sales for a few months but sales dropped off quickly. I obtained a reversion of rights when I had interest from Tom Grundner of Fireship, a small press headquartered in Tucson, Arizona.

My first historical novel Star-Crossed was subsequently published as Barbados Bound by Fireship Press, followed by Surgeon’s Mate and Rhode Island Rendezvous, as the Patricia MacPherson Nautical Adventures trilogy with the enthusiastic support of Tom Grundner.

Tom has passed on, as has his spouse and partner Mary Lou, who managed the business after his death. Fireship Press has been consigned to the deep, and once again I have my rights back..

Star-Crossed (Barbados Bound, under the Fireship pennant) will be reprinted as the the first book in the Star-Crossed Saga under the Old Salt Press banner.

The great thing about historical fiction is, it never gets old. Watch for the pre-order options, new cover reveal, and the release party, details to follow.

See also

