Land’s End
Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii, my private writer's[...]
Finding Your Voice
Voice on the page - it's what agents, publishers, and[...]
History lives aboard the North Star of Herschel Island
What would it be like to live aboard a historic[...]
Tom Rizzo wrangles research and storytelling
A good story of any genre brings the reader in,[...]
Meet Jeanne Roppolo; adventuring grandma, author, and friend
Some of my best friends are writers. I first met[...]
Getting inside the Victorian Mind
I'm pleased to welcome my literary friend Antoine Vanner to[...]
Cli-fi: A perfect storm of sci-fi and global warming
Joining me today is author Joe Follansbee, one of my[...]
A visit from the ghost of Christmas Past
Last night the Dickensian wraith in white touched my hand[...]
For the Love of the Sword, by J.M. Aucoin
Today, I'm thrilled to have author J.M. Aucoin sharing the[...]
How we write – a series of essays by guest authors
Linda Collison's Sea of Words; Charting a course from imagination[...]