Star-Crossed Saga
Star-Crossed to be reprinted 20 years after its release by [...]
Star-Crossed to be reprinted 20 years after its release by [...]
As the author of the historical novel Star-Crossed, a title [...]
Thanks to Lisa Goodwin, the Women who Sail New England [...]
This evening I've been invited to join Lisa Goodwin and [...]
Patricia MacPherson's historical adventures are now available as a set, [...]
Women have always been aboard ship. As passengers, girlfriends, and [...]
Barbados Bound, the audiobook, performed and produced by Ariana Fraval [...]
Rhode Island Rendezvous; Book 3 of the Patricia MacPherson Nautical [...]
Rhode Island Rendezvous Newport Rhode Island: 1765 The Seven Years [...]
Transgenders serving on ships is nothing new. I’ve long been [...]