Looking for Redfeather BOYA 10003076_10203553731672707_1146057099_n

I’m pleased to sign a contract with Aaron Landon to read Looking for Redfeather for the audible.com audiobook.

I wrote the first draft in 30 days while I myself was on the road in 2007, promoting Star-Crossed, published by Knopf and chosen by the New York Public Library to be among the Books for the Teen Age — 2007.  It only took another six years or so for the rewrites and publication…

Looking for Redfeather, a finalist in Foreword Review’s indie Book of the Year award, 2013 YA category,  will be available later this summer via audible.com, Amazon, and iTunes.  Just in time for an end-of-summer road trip… Let’s hit the road!

